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Media Relations



As a former TV News reporter, trust me, it's not random luck that is getting those other organziations noticed! They likely have a Media Relations team working 24-7 to strategize when and how to get their own stories covered by media outlets. If you've never worked with a Media Relations specialist, their job is basically to build relationships with media outlets and journalists to garner positive coverage in the mass media without paying for it directly through advertising. "Earned media" is an affordable communication tool for garnering massive amounts of exposure quickly and easily, however it takes quite a bit of strategy and coordination behind-the-scenes beforehand to pull it off.


Throughout my career, I have worked at ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX News at both the local and national level. I've networked with journalists internationally and have provided interviews for major news outlets including BBC, CTV, MSNBC, CBS News, FOX News Channel, etc. I have hundreds of media contacts internationally and domestically, and am skilled at identifying and enterprising story ideas that will get the media to cover your work. And I have won PR awards for increasing media impressions for brands exponentially.







Mindy Mizell

featured on: 


FOX News 

CBS News

Ever wonder why news outlets always seem to cover the same organizations over and over again? Do you ever wonder how you can get your own work noticed by reporters?

       Media Relations Key Strategies

  • Garner media placements (coverage)

  • Pitch stories to traditional media outlets

  • Build relationships with journalists

  • Draft press releases

  • Enterprise unique story ideas

  • Media train staff and/or volunteers

  • Serve as spokesperson

  • Advise on crisis communications


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